We will try to generate nex text using Markov chains. The idea is to create nodes that represent each word that appear in our corpus and edges that connect one word with all the words that appear after the first one. In other words if 'w1 w2' is a bigram in our corpus, then the state 'w1' is connected to sthe state 'w2' and on that edge we have the probabiliry that the word 'w2' will follow the word 'w1'. This method is a very basic text generation wiht results that are not optimal. A much better method would be to generate text using deep learning, but we will do this in a following course.
In order to be able to generate text we need a corpus, from which we are gonna build our markov model. The corpus in our case should contain big blocks of text, the order of which should be preserved.
In this example we will use a text of Shakespear. You can use any text you like. Attention, the preprocessing depends on the text that you will choose.
import pandas as pd
# read text file
with open('./poetry/shakespear_sonnets.txt') as f:
contents = f.read()
It is important to do some preprocessing on the text.
import re
def clean(text):
#the only cleaning that is needed for this text (it is not always the case) is to use lower()
text = text.lower() #in this problem, we want to keep the punctuation.
text = text.replace('\n'," ")
text = text.replace('\t'," ")
text = text.replace('“', ' " ')
text = text.replace('”', ' " ')
"""pattern = r"\b(?=[MDCLXVIΙ])M{0,4}(CM|CD|D?C{0,3})(XC|XL|L?X{0,3})([IΙ]X|[IΙ]V|V?[IΙ]{0,3})\b\.?"
text = re.sub(pattern, '', text, flags=re.IGNORECASE)
text = re.sub("\s\s+" , " ", text)"""
return text
contents_lower = clean(contents)
We have to create a dictionary that is such that:
# a way to create the dictionary is by using defaultdict()
# The idea is to create a list with all bigrams in the forme of tuples and the use defaultdict to transform it to a dictionary.
from collections import defaultdict
def bigram_lst(text):
bigrams = []
# first we have to tokenize the text
#words = text.split(' ')
words = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", text)
# Create a zipped list of all of the word pairs and put them in word: list of next words format
for current_word, next_word in zip(words[0:-1], words[1:]):
bigrams.append((current_word, next_word))
return bigrams
def create_markov_chain(bigrams):
d = defaultdict(list)
for k, v in bigrams:
return d
dico = create_markov_chain(bigram_lst(contents_lower))
Question 1: How can you calculate the transition matrix?
Question 2: What should you do in order to create a weighted automaton using the transition probabilities matrix?
Question 3: Write the code that creates such automaton.
We're going to create a function that generates sentences. It will take two things as inputs:
You should try to do the same using the automaton that you created in Question 3 and then compare the text that is generated which each method.
import random
def generate_sentence(dico, count=30):
# improuvement: 1. Capitalize the first word
# 2. Capitalize the words after the punctuation
word1 = random.choice(list(dico.keys()))
sentence = word1
# Generate the second word from the value list. Set the new word as the first word. Repeat.
for i in range(count-1):
word2 = random.choice(dico[word1])
word1 = word2
sentence += ' ' + word2
# End it with a period
sentence += '.'
"i derive , or your worth they draw my music , and my sake ; that thou , for thy beauty's summer is by this most worthy of this hell."
An other improvement is to give a minimal length instead of the exact length, so that the end of our sentence won't be forced.
# In the following code:
# 1. capitalize the beginning of each sentence
# 2. improve the end of the sentece.
def generate_sentence_improved(dico, count=15):
# improuvement: 1. Capitalize the first word
# 2. Capitalize the words after the punctuation
word1 = random.choice(list(dico.keys()))
while (word1 == '.' or word1 == ',' or word1 == '!' or word1 == '?' or word1 ==';'):
word1 = random.choice(list(dico.keys()))
sentence = word1.capitalize()
for i in range(count-1):
word2 = random.choice(dico[word1])
if (sentence[-1] == '.' or sentence[-1] == '!' or sentence[-1] == '?' or sentence[-1] == ';'):
sentence += ' ' + word2.capitalize()
else :
sentence += ' ' + word2
word1 = word2
while (sentence[-1] != '.'):
word2 = random.choice(dico[word1])
word1 = word2
sentence += ' ' + word2
sentence = sentence.replace(' .', '.').replace(' ,', ',').replace(' ?', '?').replace(' !', '!').replace(' ;', ';')
"Bases for love knows; Then no unkind, who art thou reviewest this sorrow, if ten times refigured thee i'll vow debate, it the other strains of thy 'will' will show it."